Help break the generational cycle of poverty in Africa.

Secure payment. Your donation will be used to fund our efforts in sub-Saharan African to create jobs programs, provide materials, and much more.

Donor Voices

Why They Donate

Your donation directly helps families

On average 80-90% of funds go to program costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Humans for Education works to keep our costs focused on our programs and community. Therefore, when you fund a small business on average 80-90% of funds go to program costs.

Humans for Education evaluates each school and puts all schools through intensive training before they receive approval to move on to build a small business, this often takes 6 months. Once their business plan has been approved, the construction and implementation of their business typically take 2-3 months. After which, it tends to take ~12 months for the schools to stabilize and begin breaking even. The schools begin to see net profit around 12 – 16 months.

Each quarter, we have specific small businesses we are working on in different locations and you are welcome to get in touch with Daphne Pariser to learn about the specific locations we’re working in, and how your gift can sponsor some of our most urgent needs. If you are interested in picking a school we are happy to talk with you about the current schools we have undergoing our acceptance process.

If you make an undesignated gift online, we will send your donation to the area where it will make the greatest impact.

Humans for Education is built of 90% Kenyan staff and several of the staff are from the direct communities in which we work. Additionally, when small businesses are built we specifically hire experts in the field who source labor and materials from the local community.

It All Starts With One Person: You

Your legacy will allow women to break generations of poverty in their families.

By joining the Founders Circle, you’ll revolutionize the future of a community with the gift of entrepreneurship.

On average, to transform one village with 75 women projects can range from $50,000 to $80,000 or more, depending on the location and project type. Our team will match your gift with the most appropriate project(s) and share progress reports along the way.

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